3 October 2017 - 7 October 2017
Abiidjan, Ivory Coast
Exhibitor Profile
Construction Tools, Equipment and Machinery, Iron and Steel Products, Marble, Ceramics and Machinery, Pipes and Plumbing, Light Machinery, Construction Machinery, Excavation Equipment and Machinery, Hardware and Connection Elements, Purification Systems, Heat, Water, Sound and Fire Insulation, Heating, Cooling, Ventilation Air Conditioning, Asphalt Machinery, Door, Window, Shutter, Blind and Glass Systems, Suspended Ceiling and Roof Systems, Floor Coverings, Wall Coverings, Mold and Pump, Bathroom and Kitchen Equipment, Floor and Floor Coverings, Pool and Pool Equipment, Roof, Facade Coverings and Facade Cladding, Paint, Varnish, Construction Chemicals, Adhesives, Scaffolding, Mold and Equipment, Prefabricated Building and Accessories, Municipality and City Equipment, Cables and Electrical Installations, Indoor and Outdoor Lighting, Electrical Devices, Electrical Equipment, Regulator, UPS, Transformer, Generator and Power Equipment, Security, Alarm and Satellite Antenna, Solar Energy Systems, Transformer, Switchgear, Panel, Billboards, Armature
Participant Countries
Ivory Coast, Morocco, Tunisia, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Spain, Turkey, Ghana