27 Şubat 2018 - 2 Mart 2018
Moscow, Russia
The fair, which has been held in Moscow, Russia since 2002, has long been a valuable sector event. The organization, which was held for the 15th time last year, was held with the support of the Russian Ministry of Agriculture and hosted 267 participants from 21 countries. The number of professionals who visited the fair exceeded 7,200. The fair, which grows every year, attracts small and medium-sized businesses as well as the giants of the sector. Don’t miss this fair, which offers a very important opportunity to step into the Russian market.
Katılımcı Profili
Dairy products equipment and technologies, Meat products slaughtering, production equipment and technologies, Livestock breeding and management equipment and technologies, Feed production equipment and technologies, Bottling equipment and technologies, Agricultural producers and suppliers, Machinery and equipment for feed production, Animal husbandry organizations, Seed producers and suppliers, Feed and feed production equipment and technologies, Veterinary tools and medicines
Participant Countries
Russia, Turkey, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, Belarus, Bulgaria, Slovakia